By: MercyOne Staff
July 31 each year is National Heatstroke Prevention Day. Here are practical tips from the BetterHealth Channel to stay safe in hot weather.
-Drink plenty of water even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinking extremely cold water as they can cause stomach cramps.
-Plan ahead. Try to schedule exercise and activities for the cooler part of the day and rest often. Whenever possible, stay indoors or in the shade.
-Stay cool and keep air circulating around you. Draw your blinds or curtains and use a fan or air conditioning if possible.
-Eat smaller meals more often and cold meals such as salad.
-Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers like cotton and linen.
-Keep yourself cool by using wet towels, putting your feet in cold water and taking cool (not cold) showers.
-Check in on older, sick and frail family, friends and neighbors who may need help coping with the heat. Call them at least once a day on any extreme heat day.
-Never leave children, older people or pets in cars.
-Limit outdoor activity to the coolest part of the day.
-Protect yourself from the sun when outside by covering exposed skin, using sunscreen and wearing a hat.
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