Specialty class designed for people with Parkinson's Disease. Non-contact boxing workout that addresses disease symptoms. Doctor's release and an initial assessment is required. Class package can be purchased at the […]
Mat Pilates is a low impact, full body workout with emphasis on alignment, breath, and core work. Pilates helps improve flexibility and builds functional strength and endurance in the entire […]
Slow and broad upper and lower limb movements focusing on breathing, trunk stability, balance, and coordinated total body movements. Ai Chi also includes elements necessary for balance and fall prevention. […]
Specialty class/program. To participate, Members can purchase a 5 or 10 session class package for $25 or $50 respectively. Played between two teams, no set teams, participants may join either […]
Dance-fitness class with Latin flavor and international zest combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. The class takes the "work" out of workout, by mixing […]
Explore the different venues of cycle: endurance, hills and drills, speed work, power, intervals, etc. Each class is a new adventure that will challenge you while having fun at the […]
1/6-Colleen, 1/13-Whitney, 1/20- Shauna, 1/27-Lyne Challenging cardio and resistance training class. Incorporates intervals and equipment to build cardio, strength, flexibility and endurance. Exercise Intensity: 4 Joint Impact: High
A challenging but easy to follow class combining fitness, yoga, pilates and barre moves. Total body workout including balance work. Class intensity: Moderate.
Specialty class designed for people with Parkinson's Disease. Non-contact boxing workout that addresses disease symptoms. Doctor's release and an initial assessment is required. Class package can be purchased at the […]
January 7 - Colleen January 14 - Lyne January 21 - Melinda January 28 - Hortencia A combination of vinyasa and hatha yoga, explore sun salutations, standing poses, balancing postures, […]