Specialty class designed for people with Parkinson's Disease. Non-contact boxing workout that addresses disease symptoms. Doctor's release and an initial assessment is required. Class package can be purchased at the […]
Mat Pilates is a low impact, full body workout with emphasis on alignment, breath, and core work. Pilates helps improve flexibility and builds functional strength and endurance in the entire […]
Slow and broad upper and lower limb movements focusing on breathing, trunk stability, balance, and coordinated total body movements. Ai Chi also includes elements necessary for balance and fall prevention. […]
Specialty class/program. To participate, Members can purchase a 5 or 10 session class package for $25 or $50 respectively. Played between two teams, no set teams, participants may join either […]
Intense aqua workout for the whole body. Incorporates intervals with/without resistance weights combining strength training with cardiovascular fitness. Participants will also strengthen their core with standing and floating abdominal exercises. […]
Well rounded, moderate intensity aqua class designed to provide a complete workout including cardio, resistance training, abdominal work and stretching. Exercise Intensity:2-3 Joint Impact: Low-Medium
Formerly known as Heart Health, this class incorporates strength training, flexibility exercises and balance work while sitting in a chair or using the chair as a prop. Light hand weights, […]
A slower, gentler yoga class combining breath with movement using poses designed to improve strength, flexibility and balance in body, mind and spirit. Props make this practice accessible to all […]
This class is designed to improve range of motion, strength, stability and balance. A variety of equipment will be used such as dumbbells, stability ball, and exercise bands. Participants must […]